Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Many things to come

I would say the last two years have been the hardest two years I have had to struggle through, not only that but I also had to try and understand why these particular things happened to me.

For a long loooong time I have been the type of bitter person who blamed everyone else for my problems, although part of that is slightly true I had never taken responsibility. I would say that in the last two years I have grown as a person and I am able to look back and see that I could have easily prevented the problems I had if I had simply had the courage. That's what I lack mostly, the courage to just say no.

I have accepted that I have to stop waiting for someone to save me, I have to stop waiting for some miracle to happen which will allow me to lose 100lbs. There is no saviour, there is no miracle..only determination and hard work, persistence and motivation. Certain things in the past couldn't be helped, the situation I am in made it near impossible for me to save money, to take driving lessons, to just do what I wanted to do with it. But now I am older and wiser and more aware of the actions people expect me to carry on with, it's not like that anymore and I am so happy for it.

I have decided to write a five year plan and that has kept my mind in focus, there are a few other things I have been looking forward to and I would like to share that with you. Not only things I am looking forward to but also things that I have been doing to get through the toughest times.

Moving out
Starting up driving lessons again
Buying house essentials
Starting university
Stationary shopping
Booking our holiday
Using my money for ME
Being able to save money for a change

I have got back in contact with old friends & arranged to meet, after losing contact it's so nice for me to just rekindle our friendships and meet up with them again tonight for example..A girl's night out! I haven't really had one in ages and I am happy!

Keeping a smash jar or 'pot of dreams' to save money, knowing that it is such a beautiful jar makes it near impossible for me to have the courage to smash it. So it's easier to save money, one is almost full though so another one has to be bought soon! Me and Batman decided that we would keep buying and filling them until exactly a year from moving into our new home.

Are there any friends you would like to get back in contact with? Or anything that prevents you from saving money and you want to change it? Let me know in the comments!

Renee x



  1. It sounds like you're doing amazing and have exactly the right mindset to achieve your goals! Most often a journey goes 'A to A2 to B to A3' rather than 'A to B', just embrace the setbacks and power through :D love your blog, following you on GFC! xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara
    (lets follow each other on bloglovin or instagram)

    1. I am so sorry I have only now seen this! I moved into my own house (YAY) and only now the internet has been put in! I have a lot of catching up to do. Thank you for your lovely comment & thank you so much for the follow! I will be sure to follow you back and have a read of your blog - it's always nice to meet new people! xxx
